Although many people will find something useful on these pages, recent grads may benefit especially from reading content on these pages. Learn what pitfalls can occur in organizations. Learn how to tell if an organization is healthy, or if you should run away as fast as possible regardless of how good they tell you they are!! There is a lot of BS spewed by so-called HR professionals. They are getting paid (by their bosses) to tell you how wonderful their organization is. Then, once you’re inside, you might find a totally different story.

Some of the stories I’ve heard from people over the years include: nepotism, phony hiring processes ( the successful person has already been selected – don’t waste your time applying!), pay discrepancies (they promise you one level of pay and then find ways to avoid paying what they promised), harassment ( sadly this is “a preferred method of controlling people”), and many more. 

Read about various HR issues and what the research says about how best to deal with the issues. HRDr2p – We Bring Human Resource Development Research 2 Practice. We tell stories about real incidents (without naming the guilty parties) and then provide resources and suggestions based on our experience and what various studies have found.

Find out why we say “HR is a blood sport”.

Current Survey

Take our quick survey and have your say about what is going on in your organization:

In the Spotlight

Read about a current important issue common to many workplaces: “Harassment in the Workplace”   




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